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Deb Johnstone Success Coach and NLP PractitionerWhy Breath Is The Driving Force Of Your Life and Business
Stress and anxiety seem to becoming part of living in our modern world. Whether it’s your life or your work that you feel is at the core of your stress, breath can be the driving force for change. We are told that a certain amount of stress is good for us; it...
What a warrior can teach you about achieving goals
Have you ever been offered an opportunity to do something new that could possibly help you in achieving goals? And you’ve felt that small but powerful flame of fear ignite in your belly.Fear is one of the key roadblocks to success for many people. It can even get in...
How To Change From People Pleaser To Conscious Contributor
For years I put others first for the majority of the time, forgetting to show myself kindness and recharge my own power first. I was a budding Super Hero; a people pleaser. This pattern began at quite a young age. It wasn’t until my health began to deteriorate that I...
The Key To Business Growth Is How Well You Handle Uncertainty
No one warned me about the small business growth roller coaster when I first started out ten years ago. I found out purely by chance.I remember my first roller coaster ride as a kid and howling to my dad to let me off. My dad actually asked the guy to stop the ride so...
Mental Fatigue – The Saboteur of Success
Mental fatigue can creep up on us gradually. It’s often not until we’re experiencing the negatives that we realise we’ve tripped ourselves up. Mental fatigue can occur during times of change or of increased pressure and stress. This was made more apparent during the...
An easy 5 minute practice to reduce stress
Stress can be harmful for our health at any time and goodness knows we’ve had plenty of external stress over the last couple of years. Our global situation has affected everyone to some level, and age has had no bearing on that. Too much stress can eventually lead us...