Welcome to My Blog

Deb Johnstone Success Coach and NLP Practitioner
Resolution or Commitment? – That is the question!

Resolution or Commitment? – That is the question!

Happy New Year and welcome to this first month of the year! Many people at this time of the year are looking forward to a brand new year and all they hope this year will bring. You may have made New Year’s resolutions and they are at the moment fresh in your mind and...

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My gift to you this Christmas

My gift to you this Christmas

Christmas and New Year are a time of the year that I truly love. It's a time for me to enjoy the time I have with my family, which as they get older seems to be less, because as adults they have their own lives. Also for many years, as s a single mum with my kids...

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Why putting things off can sabotage your results

Why putting things off can sabotage your results

Do you often put things off until the last minute? Have you ever wondered why you do this and had understanding of how this is serving you? Often when we put something off, we are procrastinating on something that we don’t want to do. We might see it as boring or we...

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Why implementation is the key to consistent growth in life

Why implementation is the key to consistent growth in life

How often do you hear yourself say, “I am always educating myself, but I’m still not getting the results I want!”? How often do you read a book, go to a workshop, listen to an audio and forget most of the contents within a number of weeks? Recently I returned from my...

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3 Empowering Mindset Hacks to Achieve Results You Want!

3 Empowering Mindset Hacks to Achieve Results You Want!

Everyday we are creating meanings about everything that happens in our world. If the sun rises on a clear beautiful sky, you might make that mean “It’s going to be a fantastic day”. And, you do have a fantastic day. If you drop the milk while you are making your first...

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Why uncertainty is the key to change and growth

Why uncertainty is the key to change and growth

Life can be a such roller coaster ride at times, I am sure you will agree. And, no one warns us what a roller coaster ride life can be, we really do find out purely by chance. I remember my first roller coaster ride as a kid and howling to my dad to let me off. My dad...

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