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Deb Johnstone Success Coach and NLP Practitioner
A clean fresh sheet for you this Christmas

A clean fresh sheet for you this Christmas

We hear how gratitude is such an important part of leading a happy fulfilled life and manifesting what we want. Many of us practice this ritual regularly, including me. Does it work? Yes it does! It’s amazing how appreciation keeps us happy, looking at the good and...

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The Christmas rush and how to avoid overwhelm

The Christmas rush and how to avoid overwhelm

It’s only a few short weeks until Christmas and as usual there are so many things to fit in before we reach the big day. At this time of the year it is so normal for many of us to feel overwhelmed and exhausted, because there are so many things still left to do and...

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Why it’s important to write your goals in sand

Why it’s important to write your goals in sand

We have just completed another financial year and halfway through the calendar year already. I remember when I was a child, my mum saying how fast time flies and it seemed to me back then to move at the speed of a snail. Now I understand what she meant, this year has...

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