Welcome to My Blog

Deb Johnstone Success Coach and NLP Practitioner
Engage the power of 90 days

Engage the power of 90 days

Already at the beginning of the second quarter of the calendar year, I’m really curious. Are you still on track for your goals for this year? And, if you are I really want to congratulate you for your commitment and persistence. If you read my blog in January I shared...

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How important is compromise in relationships?

How important is compromise in relationships?

Are you unsure how much you should compromise in your relationships?  To build a healthy relationship, it’s important to negotiate on our differences and this applies to all relationships from work, through to friends, family and our intimate relationship. We tend to...

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What hidden resources do you need for 2019?

What hidden resources do you need for 2019?

Happy New Year! At the start of each New Year most people are on a high. Even if they’re suffering with a big hangover from the celebrations of the night before, they are still feeling optimistic as they think of the year about to unfold. A new year is like a fresh...

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Why self care is even more important right now

Why self care is even more important right now

Do you self-care during busy times? Self-care comes in many different forms, from meditating right through to building personal wealth. The kind of self-care I am referring to is allowing regular time and space to nurture yourself, relax and recharge. I always find,...

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