by Deb Johnstone | May 31, 2024 | Uncategorised |
You might wonder why the title of this article is so disempowering, after all I’m meant to inspire people right? I’m sharing this because I wish someone had let me in on this information. Not because I would have chosen to find myself another job instead. But because...
by Deb Johnstone | Apr 9, 2024 | Uncategorised |
One of the most important needs some of my clients feel a void around is that sense of belonging. That feeling of being part of something bigger than themselves. Whether that’s a community, group, family or industry. Or even on a larger global scale.A sense of...
by Deb Johnstone | Feb 27, 2024 | Uncategorised |
Have you ever walked into a business or store and been greeted with a uniform “Can I help you?” You can see them out of the corner of your eye pretending to be busy. It feels like they are just doing a job and waiting to pounce. “Sales” is an important part of...
by Deb Johnstone | Jan 26, 2024 | Uncategorised |
Each January there seems to be much talk about setting a goal or a new year’s resolution. There is often a big hoo ha about which is best, but we do know that both encourage growth in our lives, businesses or careers. However, there are times when goals or new...
by Deb Johnstone | Dec 17, 2023 | Uncategorised |
Cyclones are a natural weather pattern here in Tropical Far North Queensland, Australia where I live. And because they are natural it’s a challenge we are pretty comfortable with preparing for during our wet season. However sitting waiting for a cyclone to pass in...