Ever sat in a coffee shop in the early morning and watched the world go by?
Sitting drinking your latte and watching the joggers, the cyclist, the walkers, the movers and the shakers start their day?
See how alive they look, how certain and confident. Their strong posture, the certainty in their step, how focused they are and how happy they look even though it is sometimes quite obvious that they are pushing themselves to the limit.
This supports the belief that our body language, our posture, the way we use our body can create our emotions and change our state. As Tony Robbins says “Motion creates Emotion”.
If we use our physiology, in other words our body language resourcefully, then we can alter our state and feel happier within ourselves, making us feel more confident and alive.
Ever wondered why these people get up before sunrise and start pounding the streets? Why they sometimes push their bodies to the limit this way? It is because they view what they are doing as pleasurable. They are no different to anyone else, we can all do this, it’s just a matter of changing how we perceive exercise.
Through this repeated behaviour they have learned that exercise makes them feel great and that it gives them the results that they want. They have created a belief that the exertion they experience when they push their limits to increase their fitness is pleasurable and then certainty about this belief is built because they repeat that same behaviour over and over again.
They start their day feeling happy, energised and full of vitality.
We can all develop this kind of belief, just by making the decision to believe it, reminding yourself of that belief daily and taking the actions that support it. It may be a challenge for you or it may not. Either way this is how all habits are created resourceful or not. And you are in total control of this; you are the driver of your own bus.
Five tips to get started:
- Decide on your outcome – What outcome are you aiming for? Will exercise help you achieve this? It may be that you want more energy, to feel happier, increase your fitness, or to lose weight. If you know your outcome and write this down with clarity then you will have more of an idea of what you need to do to achieve it.
- Identify your beliefs – What are your beliefs about exercise? – Are they resourceful or unresourceful to the outcome that you want? For example; the belief “exercise is hard” isn’t going to get you any further than the couch and certainly won’t help you build your fitness.
- Change your beliefs – If you create a belief that will support you as you move toward what it is that you want you will get there faster. What belief will support you in achieving the outcome that you want? For example; the belief “exercise is challenging and each day I practice, I will find it more pleasurable and it gets easier as I build my fitness.” Or “exercising makes me feel happy and gives me more energy.”
- Read your beliefs often – Display your new belief where you can see it often. If I am adopting a new belief I actually stick it on the wall next to the toilet, so I will be sure to see it. If you read your belief at least once a day, then your unconscious mind will adopt it more easily and your behaviour will start to reflect that belief.
- Take action –What actions do you need to take to support your new belief? You need to schedule a time for exercise during your busy day. Make a time to do this regularly. Many people schedule in exercise everyday. You may prefer to exercise in the morning or you may prefer the afternoon. Whichever time is more suitable to your lifestyle and the results that you want, do that!
Remember that there are lots of people that can support you in achieving your outcome. Who do you need to speak to? If you talk to someone who has the results that you want or who knows how to get there, then you will find the plan that works best for you faster and that means you will have more certainty around your results, this will give you more motivation.
Finding a personal trainer to help with your exercise plan, talking to a wellness consultant about a food plan that suits your body type or a coach to assist you with your mindset, beliefs and strategies can all help with this.
At the end of the day, believe in yourself and your abilities!
Everything we all need is within us right now!
If someone else has what you want, it means that you can have it too. It’s often just a matter of learning new skills, qualities, attributes and relocating those resources that are always within you and you have forgotten how to use!